Cloning BTRFS drive with gddrescue (command: ddrescue)
On the BTRFS mailing list one of the devs (or smart engineers) posted a different gddrescue script to clone brtfs drives, that should allow for better clones in times of troubles. ItRead More…
On the BTRFS mailing list one of the devs (or smart engineers) posted a different gddrescue script to clone brtfs drives, that should allow for better clones in times of troubles. ItRead More…
When you join one linux server to a domain it maps windows SIDs to linux UIDs (for users) and GIDs (for groups). When you join another server to the same domain itRead More…
RESETTING THE COUNTERS Lets say you want to reset all of the counters to 0. Given this, we need this: # ifconfig eth0 RC packets:12341234 errors: 0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:61123Read More…