My favorite:

########### not forest ##############
ps ax          # all users all process - least info
ps auxe        # all users all process - more info, not wrapped
ps auxeww      # all users all process - more info, wrapped
ps auxe | nl   # all users all process - more info, wrapped
########### forest ##############
ps afuxe       # all users all process - more info, in forest fashion
ps afuxeww     # all users all process - more info, in forest fashion, wrapped
ps afuxe | nl  # all users all process - more info, in forest fashion, wrapped

Same commands listed in different fashion:

# simple
ps aux # most output (all users)
ps ux # lots output
ps ax # less output (all users)
ps x # least output

# forest view (process trees - similar to pstree)
ps afuxe # (all users)
ps afuxeww # or ps fuxe | nl # (all users)

# without forest
ps auxe # (all users)
ps auxeww # or ps auxe | nl # (all users)


  • a all users, without a only current user
  • f shows in tree fashion like pstree (forest), without f normal output
  • w & ww are for output width, with ww it wraps the lines, with a single w (or no w) it doesnt wrap. can achieve similar wrapping with just using | nl (however it adds line numbers on left column)
  • e shows environment variables, without e doesnt show environment variables

The end.

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