Here is how you setup uTorrent Server on a Linux box. I tested with a Debian like build (my ReadyNAS 6.x box)

Download the tar gzip file containing UTServer

cd /root
wget <URL>

NOTE 1: get the <URL> here  use the 64 bit if your on 64 bit system (find out by running uname -a). On ReadyNAS 6.0 you can use the Debian 7 64 bit.

Extract it to apps folder (or /opt)

tar xzvf utserver.tgz /opt

Rename folder

cd /opt
ls -l # for me its called "utorrent-server-alpha-v3_3" but I assume in the future those numbers will change (and perhaps these instructions as well)
mv utorrent-server-alpha-v3_3 ut

By default UTserver has its web server listen on port TCP 8080, but lets say you want it on another port like 8381, this is how you would set it (if your fine with 8080 then skip this next step)

echo "ut_webui_port:8381" > /opt/ut/config.txt

Launch it like this:

/opt/ut/utserver -daemon -configfile /opt/ut/config.txt -settingspath /opt/ut -logfile /opt/ut/log.txt -pidfile /opt/ut/pid

NOTE 2: -daemon puts the process into the background untied from your shell session (so that if you turn off your shell/putty/terminal, that utserver will run). configfile is optional and I only use so that I can point it config.txt which changed the port from 8080 tcp to one of my choosing, 8381 tcp. Finally settings path should point to the root of where you installed utorrent server (also where the file is). Finally its best to have a pidfile  which is just a text file containing the pid of the daemon (because if you use things like systemd – which is a modern init replacement which launches apps on boot etc or with the systemctl command – “systemctl” is similar to the the “service” command did with init system. Anyhow make sure to save the pidfile as its best for systemd to know the PID rather than guess it). Final note is that configfile and pidfile are all in the same directory as settingspath, that is probably not necessary (but im not positive as i didnt lurk thru the sourcecode, my assumptions are based off the fact that needs to be at the same path as settingspath)

Access the website like this
If that fails launch it like this
Eventually https://localhost:8381/gui/ will work

NOTE 3: if you get a blank site, or an error message saying “invalid request” error or similar, its because your file is not in the same path as settingspath argument that you set (its best to point settingspath to where is, also its best not to move webgui.zi. So in the end its best to set your settingspath to the root of where you utorrent server. Alas in my case settingspath is /opt/ut, however in your case it could be /opt/utorrent-server-alpha-v3_3 – again where, and by default its at the root.). If all that checks out, make sure that you are accessing the site via https://localhost:port/gui (dont forget the /gui part). If you still get the error try https://localhost:port/gui/web/index.html.

The default credentials are, username “admin” and password is blank. You can change those settings inside the app.

Close it like this

kill `cat /opt/ut/pid`

Or  killall utserver

Now to have this launch on boot
* If you have systemd do this:
* If you have sysvinit (/etc/init.d) then do this:

NOTE 4: make sure that is in the same folder as settingspath or you might get errors. contains all of the html and code for the utserver, its inside the ut folder when you extract the tgz (so its inside the utorrent-server-alpha-v3_3 folder)

NOTE 5: I got that from here

NOTE 6: make sure that configfile is also in the same folder as settingspath (this might not be true or needed, however the above point could of been avoided with better coding, so I assume the same scenario applies to configfile)

The end.

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