See if a long process is stuck or is it reading or writing to disk
Imagine you have a process runing but it seems stuck, here is how to see waht its doing
# apt-get install strace # apt-get install sysstat
Follow a running process (That might seem stuck)
Get its pid:
# ps aux
Follow it:
# strace -p PID
EXAMPLE : i notice reads that are happening with 4096 block size (thats 4k)
on a long you can see if its reading or writing and at what blocksize
# iostat -t 5
NOTE: -t just to show you time, its optional
Take “kB_read/s” divide by “tps” (transactions per second, io per second)
Should be the same, I get 4 (meaning 4k)
Thus in my situation btrfsck –fix-crc <dev> looks stuck but its not
Do an experiment
copy a big file that will take some time to copy
# strace cp bigfile bigfilecopy
You will notice that its copying at 32768 chunk
doing a
# iostat -t 10
shows that its copying copying at 32k
# strace dd if=bigfile of=bigfilecopy512 bs=512
you will notice that its copying at 512 byte block size just as expected
CONCLUTION: copy is like a dd with a blocksize set to 32k