Create Github Repo On The Go From The Shell – Github API
Sometimes you start coding something and you don’t yet realize if it will be a project worth sharing on github. We don’t always think about this as we begin coding. This isRead More…
Sometimes you start coding something and you don’t yet realize if it will be a project worth sharing on github. We don’t always think about this as we begin coding. This isRead More…
I came across this medium article about python and guitar strings and plotting scales. It has an interesting Jupyter notebook to work with, allowing to plot scales for all of the chords.Read More…
# citing: # Let’s make some duplicates (one million numbers between 1 and 100) from random import randrange DUPLICATES = [ randrange(100) for _ in range(1_000_000) ] ### METHOD 1 ###Read More…
A Coronavirus COVID-19 dashboard for the world and each country created by me. There are y-axis-logarithmic plots and y-axis-normal plots. Additionally, there are plots for every state/province/territory for the US and CanadaRead More…
Below is examples of passing arguments to python via regular argument assignment, and tuples and *tuples, and dictionaries and **dictionaries. Here is my gist link for it: (older) Not covering all methods (forRead More…
Rule of thumb: when implementing a function or program, you should implement it at the end points. Quote: End-to-end connectivity is a property of the Internet that allows all nodes of the network toRead More…
So you changed a file and now you want the original back (the original from the last commit). You want to undo the changes. I do it like this: git checkout HEADRead More…
Articles to check out: * * * GREP (rinIE) or EGREP (rinI) the all round search utility grep -rinIE "match word" /folder grep -rinIE "match word" /folder egrep -rinIRead More…
This article is probably worth reading twice due to my style of writing (sorry). Read the comments as they have alot of informational text. I tried to make them understandable to aRead More…
If you want to convert a program to hexdecimal or binary out, here is two programs to do so. First get your pre-reqs: apt-get update apt-get install python apt-get install pip pipRead More…