If you want to convert a program to hexdecimal or binary out, here is two programs to do so.
First get your pre-reqs:
apt-get update apt-get install python apt-get install pip pip install bitstring
Note: these programs would work outside of linux, just need to make sure you have the bitstring python module installed.
Imagine a source file, that will be our input file for the tohex/tobin programs, that looks like this:
text1 text2
binary output:
Converting to BINARY Reading in test.txt *** START *** 011101000110010101111000011101000011000100001010011101000110010101111000011101000011001000001010 *** THE END ***<span style="font-family: Lato, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.5; background-color: #ffffff;"> </span>
hexadecimal output:
Converting to HEXADECIMAL / HEX Reading in test.txt *** START *** 74657874310a74657874320a *** THE END ***
Now here is a simple version of converting to hex:
#!/bin/bash # usage: ./tohex-simple.py <filename> # converts filename to hex/hexidecimal output import bitstring import os.path import sys INPUTFILE = sys.argv[1] BSTREAM = bitstring.ConstBitStream(filename=INPUTFILE) BS = 8 # blocksize in bits, reading the file in packets of <BS> bit chunks try: while True: BPACKET = BSTREAM.read(BS) ## READ IN BLOCKSIZE (in bits) sys.stderr.write(BPACKET.hex) ### prints BS_NUM bits in hex at a time except bitstring.ReadError: pass
And here is the simple version of converting to binary:
#!/bin/bash # usage: ./tobin-simple.py <filename> # converts filename to binary output import bitstring import os.path import sys INPUTFILE = sys.argv[1] BSTREAM = bitstring.ConstBitStream(filename=INPUTFILE) BS = 8 # blocksize in bits, reading the file in packets of <BS> bit chunks try: while True: BPACKET = BSTREAM.read(BS) ## READ IN BLOCKSIZE (in bits) sys.stderr.write(BPACKET.bin) ### prints BS_NUM bits in hex at a time except bitstring.ReadError: pass
Note about blocksize: the blocksize, BS, is set to 4096, I find thats a good amount to read in while keeping the program fast. I converted a 1MB file in a tenth of a second with blocksize of 4096 bits, but it took 4 seconds with a block size of 128 bits, and 17 seconds with a 32 bit block size. Reading in a byte at a time (blocksize is 8 bits) took 44 seconds to process the 1MB file.
Caveat: Had to drop the block size to 8, which is the size of a byte, or else this wouldn’t work on inputfiles that are less than the blocksize in size (as a ReadError would incur). Likewise for files that are not even blocksize integer size will get truncated at blocksize integers. With setting block size to 8 we fix that problem at the cost of performance
Now if you want a fancy program, that can have helpful info, and print on the desktop pretty and can handle errors, then use the programs below.
Hexadecimal / hex version:
#!/usr/bin/python ### EXTRACTS HEX DATA AND PRINTS TO FILE ### ### stdout prints output can be saved to file### ### stderr prints info text, and newlines to pretty output ### import bitstring import os.path import sys __author__ = 'infotinks' ## optional line def werr(txt): # write error - print to stderr sys.stderr.write(txt) def wout(txt): # print without newline - print to stdout sys.stdout.write(txt) def main(filename): # parse the file f = filename needfinalnewline=False # for printing newline on a special case (when stderr is redirect but stdout is not) bs = 8 # blocksize in bits, reading the file in packets of 128 BIT chunks werr("Converting to HEXADECIMAL / HEX\n") werr("Reading in %s\n" % f) if os.path.isfile(f): pass else: werr("ERROR: %s is not a file (or doesnt exist)\n" % f) return -1 werr("*** START ***\n") bstream = bitstring.ConstBitStream(filename=f) try: while True: bpacket = bstream.read(bs) ## READ IN BLOCKSIZE (in bits) if sys.stdout.isatty(): # stdout not redir but going to terminal so write to error so that order on screen looks correct (or else all stderr output is at the top) if sys.stderr.isatty(): werr(bpacket.hex) ### *** MAIN OUTPUT *** else: wout(bpacket.hex) ### *** MAIN OUTPUT *** needfinalnewline = True else: # stdout is being redirected, so write to it wout(bpacket.hex) except bitstring.ReadError: pass if needfinalnewline: # prints a newline at end, if all error output is redirected to a different file wout("\n") else: if sys.stdout.isatty(): # not redirected print like this so pretty werr("\n*** THE END ***\n") else: # stdout is being redirected so remove first newline to make pretty werr("*** THE END ***\n") ### THE START OF THE PROGRAM ### try: file = sys.argv[1] except: werr("*** Converts file to HEX ***\n") werr("ERROR: Need to give inputfile filename\n") werr("usage: %s inputfile\n" % sys.argv[0]) werr("usage: %s inputfile > outputfile\n" % sys.argv[0]) werr("usage: %s inputfile 2> /dev/null\n" % sys.argv[0]) else: try: main(file) except KeyboardInterrupt: werr("\n*** CANCELLED or ERROR ***\n")
Binary version:
#!/usr/bin/python ### EXTRACTS BINARY DATA AND PRINTS TO FILE ### ### stdout prints output can be saved to file### ### stderr prints info text, and newlines to pretty output ### import bitstring import os.path import sys __author__ = 'infotinks' ## optional line def werr(txt): # write error - print to stderr sys.stderr.write(txt) def wout(txt): # print without newline - print to stdout sys.stdout.write(txt) def main(filename): # parse the file f = filename needfinalnewline=False # for printing newline on a special case (when stderr is redirect but stdout is not) bs = 8 # blocksize in bits, reading the file in packets of 128 BIT chunks werr("Converting to BINARY\n") werr("Reading in %s\n" % f) if os.path.isfile(f): pass else: werr("ERROR: %s is not a file (or doesnt exist)\n" % f) return -1 werr("*** START ***\n") bstream = bitstring.ConstBitStream(filename=f) try: while True: bpacket = bstream.read(bs) ## READ IN BLOCKSIZE (in bits) if sys.stdout.isatty(): # stdout not redir but going to terminal so write to error so that order on screen looks correct (or else all stderr output is at the top) if sys.stderr.isatty(): werr(bpacket.bin) ### *** MAIN OUTPUT *** else: wout(bpacket.bin) ### *** MAIN OUTPUT *** needfinalnewline = True else: # stdout is being redirected, so write to it wout(bpacket.bin) except bitstring.ReadError: pass if needfinalnewline: # prints a newline at end, if all error output is redirected to a different file wout("\n") else: if sys.stdout.isatty(): # not redirected print like this so pretty werr("\n*** THE END ***\n") else: # stdout is being redirected so remove first newline to make pretty werr("*** THE END ***\n") ### THE START OF THE PROGRAM ### try: file = sys.argv[1] except: werr("*** Converts file to BINARY ***\n") werr("ERROR: Need to give inputfile filename\n") werr("usage: %s inputfile\n" % sys.argv[0]) werr("usage: %s inputfile > outputfile\n" % sys.argv[0]) werr("usage: %s inputfile 2> /dev/null\n" % sys.argv[0]) else: try: main(file) except KeyboardInterrupt: werr("\n*** CANCELLED or ERROR ***\n")
The end.