alias dud='du -chd 1'
alias dud2='du -chd 2'
alias dud3='du -chd 3'
alias dud4='du -chd 4'
alias duds='du -chd 1 | sort -h'
alias duds2='du -chd 2 | sort -h'
alias duds3='du -chd 3 | sort -h'
alias duds4='du -chd 4 | sort -h'

Now on a system where -d doesnt work you need to use –max-depth instead:

alias dud='du -ch --max-depth 1'
alias dud2='du -ch --max-depth  2'
alias dud3='du -ch --max-depth  3'
alias dud4='du -ch --max-depth  4'
alias duds='du -ch --max-depth  1 | sort -h'
alias duds2='du -ch --max-depth  2 | sort -h'
alias duds3='du -ch --max-depth  3 | sort -h'
alias duds4='du -ch --max-depth  4 | sort -h'

SIDENOTE: check this out Article on finding largest files and folders

So the above commands are useful to recursively measure the size of directories. Note the dud commands can be thrown in together with an “-x” argument to stay within the filesystem.

dud -x
dud1 -x
dud2 -x
dud3 -x
dud4 -x

Here are some example outputs of all of the above commands:

##### du depth 1 #####

# dud
0       ./opt
63M     ./backups
0       ./agentx
0       ./local
121M    ./log
8.0K    ./spool
0       ./mail
223M    ./cache
64M     ./lib
0       ./tmp
4.0K    ./www
8.0K    ./netatalk
36M     ./cores
0       ./ftp
660K    ./readynasd
8.0K    ./readydrop
0       ./replicate
505M    .
505M    total

##### du depth 1 sorted #####

# duds
0       ./agentx
0       ./ftp
0       ./local
0       ./mail
0       ./opt
0       ./replicate
0       ./tmp
4.0K    ./www
8.0K    ./netatalk
8.0K    ./readydrop
8.0K    ./spool
660K    ./readynasd
36M     ./cores
63M     ./backups
64M     ./lib
121M    ./log
223M    ./cache
505M    .
505M    total

##### du depth 2 sorted #####

# duds2
0       ./agentx
0       ./cache/apache2
0       ./cache/forked-daapd
0       ./cache/git
0       ./cache/man
0       ./ftp
0       ./lib/dbus
0       ./lib/ftp
0       ./lib/initscripts
0       ./lib/insserv
0       ./lib/libuuid
0       ./lib/misc
0       ./lib/nfs
0       ./lib/nut
0       ./lib/python
0       ./lib/systemd
0       ./lib/update-rc.d
0       ./lib/urandom
0       ./lib/vim
0       ./local
0       ./log/fsck
0       ./log/news
0       ./log/sysstat
0       ./mail
0       ./netatalk/CNID
0       ./opt
0       ./replicate
0       ./replicate/shm
0       ./spool/netatalk
0       ./tmp
4.0K    ./lib/btrfs
4.0K    ./lib/mdadm
4.0K    ./lib/sudo
4.0K    ./spool/cron
4.0K    ./www
8.0K    ./lib/snmp
8.0K    ./netatalk
8.0K    ./readydrop
8.0K    ./spool
16K     ./cache/ldconfig
20K     ./lib/connman
24K     ./lib/pam
24K     ./lib/ucf
28K     ./cache/fontconfig
36K     ./log/apache2
100K    ./log/apt
156K    ./log/readynasd
440K    ./cache/samba
456K    ./log/samba
660K    ./readynasd
1.8M    ./cache/debconf
2.2M    ./backups/md
2.5M    ./backups/readynasd
2.6M    ./lib/samba
3.7M    ./log/frontview
14M     ./lib/dpkg
18M     ./lib/gems
30M     ./lib/apt
32M     ./log/journal
36M     ./cores
63M     ./backups
64M     ./lib
83M     ./log/atop
121M    ./log
221M    ./cache/apt
223M    ./cache
505M    .
505M    total

##### du depth 1 within 1 filesystem #####

# Notice how since /data is a different subvolume (btrfs filesystem here), then /data/home and /data/so-and-so, so all of those so-and-so (home as well) ones show up as 0 size. Because we are staying within the /data filesystem (as we are in /data when we run "dud -x"). And each subvolume behaves as its own filesystem with btrfs.

/data# dud -x
0       ./home
0       ./.apps
0       ./.vault
0       ./._share
0       ./.purge
0       ./Main
0       ./readydrop
0       ./.timemachine
36K     .
36K     total

# Here is the same command but letting du flow freely into any filesystem (subvolume), so it measures all of the sizes.

/data# dud
0       ./home
2.2M    ./.apps
0       ./.vault
64K     ./._share
0       ./.purge
2.7T    ./Main
0       ./readydrop
0       ./.timemachine
2.7T    .
2.7T    total


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