UPDATE: when my kossboss domain got hijacked and I transfered it to infotinks, the screenshots got lost. I will work on restoring them in the future. So some of the setup steps might not be clear.
Download (I couldn’t find a link that doesn’t have bloatware, just make sure to not install the crap bloatware during installation): http://www.snapfiles.com/get/clcl.html
Update: here is the official site. no bloatware https://www.nakka.com/soft/clcl/index_eng.html

Many clipboard managers exist out there but none as good as this one as clcl (I tried many and this one prevailed)

it can have templates (that you create, manage/edit, save) and also your clipboard history. when I click my magic clcl button (I have mine set to Control-`) it rings up my template & history of items I have copied into clipboard manage
It minimizes to taskbar as a little paperclip like this: <screenshot-lost-when-migrated-to-new-domain>

The main interface looks like this: <screenshot-lost-when-migrated-to-new-domain>
Lets set it up because it is amazing, without the right setup it is not as good. and there are a lot of options that might make it confusing. We only need to focus on a few to get it up and running.
Go to the Options and open the Action menu and set it up like this (remove a couple of the enteries and keep some others)
Make sure to edit your Menu (in my case its Control-` ) item so it looks like this:
Edit it to be a menu, hotkey with whatever button you want, I like control-` because that’s not used in any other app, make sure to setup your menu like that: template, seperator —-, history (ascending – that way newest at top), & cancel. The history and cancel and seperator dont have any options, however the template does (thats why im showing you how my template menu option is set up. It only has one option, path, set it to root \ (or backslash), meaning show you every template. That means every template you have will show up. The templates are setup like a tree, so a \ shows the whole tree, you can if you want, select a subset of the tree.
Last important note:
Save status (Shift Control S): This will save your current template and settings, if you dont do this you will lose your template settings. Its shift control s, not just control -s , control s saves the current selected template item to a single file, not what you want.
Export: save your templates (but not settings) to a file, I actually save these to a dropbox so that I always have em, and they have my commands, i date every export so I can go back in time, I literally have 1000s of these I started using clcl back in 2011 so you can imagine i have alot. When exporting it will ask what part of the tree to export, export everything so select the root or backslash \, but it doesnt appear as root and not as backslash, it just appears as “Template” so select the top of the tree “Template” to export everthing.
Template making:
For text items Make sure you select the type of New Item as format Text when you make a new item, then you put in the text in the next screen.
Alt-Up and Alt-Down – Move item up and down
F2 – rename the current template item

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